Rock the Trades

Rock the trades is a custom bespoke solution for industrial tradesmen. It was integrated with our employer app Surehand to facilitate communication between employers and tradesmen. The application allowed users to focus on three main areas:

  1. A private social network to discuss trades issues with fellow tradesmen
  2. An opportunity to build and improve their profile by educating them and connecting them to training opportunities.
  3. A jobs portal to browse jobs based on specific metadata searches and reach out directly to employers through a private messaging service.

Our solution went above and beyond others by allowing users to set custom matching criteria to jobs, custom notifications, and adding skills to their profile on the fly.

Rock the Trades - App Landing Screen
App landing page
Rock the Trades - Social Feed
The social feed.
Rock the Trades - Profile UI
Career section to update your profile, gain training, and research trades.
Rock the Trades - Profile UI
Comprehensive profile related to industrial trade credentialing
Rock the Trades - Training Search Results
Training institutions specific to trade and location
Rock the Trades - Chat Messages Listing
Integrated messaging system
Rock the Trades - Notifications Interface
Granular control of your notifications
Rock the Trades - Trade Explorer Interface
Trade explorer allows for trade-specific research
Rock the Trades - Job Search Results
Job listings based on your profile
Rock the Trades - Job Details
Job details listing
Rock the Trades - My Credentials Summary
Credential overview
Rock the Trades - Job Preferences Interface
Job preferences configuration