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Macmillan Higher Education and its various imprints publishes some of the most widely-respected textbooks for the sciences and humanities. As senior user experience designer, I collaborated with authors, editorial staff, development, and QA teams for over two and a half years to design and ship LaunchPad and XBook, MHE’s new series of learning management systems.

Other projects included:

  • Redesign of their authentication, entitlement and registration processes
  • Redesign of their question bank administration systems
  • Redesign of their video activities used for speech disciplines
  • Conceptual design of a role playing game “Developing Lives” for the Psychology disciplines
  • Performed usability testing on the ePortfolio and Launchpad products
  • Resigned an integration of HTS, and advanced multi-step question engine, into Launchpad
  • Conceptualized a Learning Space for sales rep training
  • Redesigned an integration of a Semantic Search engine into their English disciplines
  • Facilitated peer review of designs and technical use cases

My Part

  • Behavioral Specifications
  • Business Analysis
  • Design
  • Flows and Navigational Maps
  • Heuristic Evaluation
  • Information Architecture
  • Persona Development
  • Screen Casting
  • Usability Testing
  • Use Case Documentation
  • User Story Development
  • Visual Design
  • Wireframing

Sample UX Files
